Dear Comrade Senthil - Today myself and KVS had a deep discussion with the Special Officer on deputation to study the pay commission recommendations for postal issues - We told them we want a separate establishment for the Systam Adminstrators as well as formation of a separate technology wing as like civil wing- we also suggested three advance increments or 10% pay as an interim and immediate relief - The issue will be raised in written note to the department by NFPE soon after the Federal Executive and the CWC Meeting of P3. The issue will be effectively focussed. The Federation and the P3, R3,and Admn unions of NFPE are in total agreement with the main issue of systam adminstrators for a separate establishment. This you may circulate to all our comrades.
-- K.RagavendranSecretary General NFPE
Dear friends,
Immediatly visit the website and answer the opinion poll to send our response. This is the right time we act. It seems anomoly committe of Pay Commission head by DDG (Estt) need to submit their report before 30.6.2008. Hence it is our duty to present the right inputs to our leaders in order get the best deal for our problems.
With regards
Senthil Kumar
Kindly don't mispell System as Systam.
Also kindly post the details of result of discussion of Kasaragode meeting of SAs if conducted. It was heard that there was hartal in Kasaragode.
N Harikumar
Sys Adm, Thodupuzha.H.O.
94470 20070
It is Dipankar here from Bankura Divn, W. Bengal Circcle.
Agreed with you, We must demand for a Separate Wing, if separate wing is created- separate establishment, separate pay scale,separate recruitment criteria all the points will be solved automatically.
So, we must stcik on separate wing. and creation of new post right from the Directorate level to Sub Division level.
10 % pay hike or some advance increments will not solve the problems, We are not demanding just a pay hike, but a recognition for the work what we are doing for past 10-13 years, in the past years our beloved Department just exploited us by giving a mouth full of designation like System Manager, System Administrator, System Assistant.
It is the right time for our claim, our slogun should be " NOW or NEVER".
And a request to all the LEADERS Pl. don't hesitate to claim our justified demands in the terms of separate "Technical Wing".
One more request to our leaders Pl. don't go for 10% pay hike or some advance increments, other wise our position will be the same as the ACCOUNTANTS, 10 % pay hike which is now seeming Rs. 1000-1500 will be very poor in the coming years, and above all we are just not demanding a pay hike, OUR demand is " TECHNICAL WING"
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