Sunday, February 15, 2009

Draft Proposal given by West Bengal Circle Secretary to the Chief PMG

All India Postal Employees Union Group – C
West Bengal Circle
37, Ganesh Chandra Avenue, Kolkata – 700013
No: PC – 61/ Computer Dated 10.02.2009.

Sri Suvasish Sarker
Chief Postmaster General
West Bengal Circle
Kolkata - 700012

Sub: On separate cadre / establishment with higher pay scale for System

Respected Sir,
We know that you are quite in knowledge of the active participation and involvement of the System Administrators in West Bengal Circle. These enthusiastic and sensitive young officials are contributing immensely in present days departmental functioning. We have gone through the staff side demand mentioned regarding a separate cadre and / or establishment for the System Administrators. Our federation has deeply thought over the issue and dug into different feasibilities. Our appropriate views are now being forwarded herein below with the expectation that while replying the Dte’s DO No.: Secy(P)/10/Imp. Projects/09. Dated:27th January,2009 and expressing the opinion on the demand mentioned regarding a separate cadre and / or establishment for the System Administrators, the WB Circle administration would finalize the best option for the same. Our organizational views had been more or less agreed by the official side while threadbare discussion held with the staff side and official side on 13.01.2009 at face of All India strike from 20th Jan’09 which was finally deferred.

By this time, this has obviously become very clear to us that the job of the system personnel is totally different in nature and it requires specialization and acquiring special kind of knowledge to constantly remain productive. It is having no resemblance to the traditional nature of our daily operative work even if it is computerized. Unfortunately, these techies are under the administrative control of some officers, a section of them are pathetic in the subject and therefore are proving themselves worth of almost nothing. Our day-to-day experience, comments of the CAG, department’s Annual Report ------ everything is corroborating the deficiency of planning and coherence. Thus the efforts of able staffs, their diligence and optimism end in nowhere. This puts us to feel the imperativeness of such an arrangement where there is a strong homework and blueprint, coordination among the plan makers and the working brains in field and the realization of actual problem and the optimum way of troubleshooting.

This is only possible when these officials are made to work in a total technological setup and under completely technological guidance by superiors. In our department, and other departments also, we find such specialized group working in a WING. Therefore, we hold that the entire System related work should be managed by a separate ‘INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY WING’.

Proposed Structure of the Wing : The wing should have a total hierarchy right from the Post Office / RMS Office till the Directorate. While constituting this wing this is our considered opinion and emphatic demand that the present incumbents must be given due weight age. The System Personnel presently working are time-tested enough and have proved themselves beyond expectation. Some of them have acquired higher qualifications in Computer Science field (MCA etc.). So, at P.O./DO/RO/CO levels they may be absorbed directly on a minimum experience of working, e.g., for 2 years or so. Our assessment is, the requirement is higher and there still would be vacant posts for S.A.s at P.O. levels (the number we would require is given below, but may vary as per reality). So, a trade test can be arranged for the freshers who intend to work as S.A.s.

Office Status No. of S.A.s Required
H. O. 3 or 4 for each office
MDGs & S.O.s till HSG-II 1 for each office
LSG and Below 1 for 3 to 4 offices

The next hierarchy would be the S.A.s working at Divisional level. 3 or 4 S.A.s may monitor and supervise the work under the division. As the 3 ACP Scheme is likely to be implemented, the posts of System Administrators may be on promotion / financial upgradation, as the case may be, according to seniority from the P.O. level S.A.s. The Divl level S.A.s would be having the analogous features of the TBOP / LSG officials.
In the same way, 3 or 4 System Administrators may work at Regional Office level and then again, 3 or 4 would function as Circle System Administrators. These posts will remain as the promotional channels for the cadre.

Alike the Civil and Electrical Wings of our department, there should be nodal / group officers from R.O. level and they should essentially be technocrats. Upwards, at C.O. levels and Directorate, technocrats should be appointed as many as needed with qualifications and proper distribution of work. They should be having adequate experience, as they would be the persons preparing the plans for the department. At Directorate, one or two financial experts should also be working who will be able to assess the fate of introduction of a scheme to ensure its popularity and financial viability (we have witnessed failure of schemes like e-Post). The C.O. / R.O. level System Administrators will actually be bridging over the slip between the plan makers and the S.A.s working at ground level. They will also provide technical assistance and will visit the sites with the Divl level S.A.s.
At R.O. and C.O. levels there would be a requirement of Database Administrators and Network Administrators. Such persons should be professionally qualified or be brought under the fold of 3 ACP.

There should be two other very significant and prestigious posts ---- Software Developers and Trainers, because they play very important role to make everything success. Our present developers and trainers have shown absolute brilliance in their tasks assigned by the department and should be absorbed. Depending on the geographical status of the division / unit, there should be one / two training centers. Software Developers should work centrally and better be placed at C.O. level, other than the prolific one at Mysore PTC. As today, many new projects are procured at circle level and started, to develop computerized software systems and providing supports for the same a steady Software Development Centre at each circle justifies.
Pay package of the proposed Wing : Assessing the responsibility involved in the job the pay scale for the System Administrators should be the revised pay band of PB-2. The promotional benefits may be allowed as per norms fixed through the implementation of 3 ACP.

With warm greetings,
Comradely yours, Yours faithfully,

(Janardan Majumdar)
Circle Secretary

Friday, February 13, 2009

Minutes and Draft proposal submitted to NFPE based on the Circle level workshop of System Administrators kerala circle at Palakkad

Officials present:
1. Com. K.Govindan, President, NFPE, Kerala Circle.
2. Com .Muralidharan, Organising Secretary, NFPE, Kerala Cirlce.
3. Com .Majeed, Asst. Circle Secretary, NFPE, Kerala Circle.
4. Com .V.Mohandas, President, Confederation of Central Govt. Emp., Palakkad District.
5. Com . Senthil Kumar, System Administrators, Chennai North Division.
6. Com . Sundar, Computer Instructor, Trichy Region.
7. Com . S.Jayakumar, Regional Coordinator, Northern Region, Kerala Circle.
8. Com . Padmakumar, Regional Coordinator, HQ Region, Kerala.
9. Com .Sasikumar, Regional Coordinator, Central Region, Kerala.
10. 33 System Administrators from various Divisions of Kerala Circle (Appendix 1).
11. 5 System Administrators from Coimbatore Postal Division.

1. Com .G.Prasanth, SA, Olavakkot HO welcomed the gathering and stressed the significance of arranging such a workshop at this juncture. The discrimination meted against the SAs by the 6th CPC was highlighted in his speech. SAs are always working in a faulty system for trouble shooting and hence issues are more to handle with. At present, though all the SAs now executing the duties of SAs were recruited as PAs, their computer aptitude is being exploited by the Department, without giving any extra benefit in the form of any additional pay, pay scale or separate establishment. The necessity of interacting with higher officials for effective implementation of various IT projects created a negative image in the minds of our colleagues, that we are part of administration.

2. Com. S.Jayakumar, SA, Palakkad HO presided over the Workshop. He stressed the need of creating a separate wing for System Administrators and all the present SAs should be recognized in the new Cadre without even a Trade Test. He called for a circle level unity and co-ordination among the SAs in Kerala. He cited the case of eMO implementation as an example of poor way of implementing a new technology project, without any adequate prior testing. The Department should recognize and utilize the tremendous experience of the present SAs acquired from past many years in successful implementing many IT projects in a more efficient manner.

3. Com. K .Govindan, Circle President, AIPEU, Group C, NFPE inaugurated the workshop and told Kerala Circle has excelled in the area of Computerization in a big way. It necessitates a separate Cadre formation for SAs to solve their issues in performing their duties. NFPE has always presented the problems of SAs at appropriate levels whenever it is necessary. This workshop should help the NFPE to present the cause of SAs effectively before the Department. Due to the developments in the field of communication, we all know that the basic service of the Department has been affected. But, unfortunately, the Government is not thinking of utilizing the manpower and the network of Post Offices for new services. Instead, it is planning to make it as a Corporate Body and finally privatize the Department. A deliberate attempt of making postal volumes and manuals as redundant is being carried out. He has lauded the efforts of SAs in the successful computerization process of our Department, when compared with other Government Departments.

4. Com. Majeed, Circle Asst. Secretary, NFPE P-III felicitated at the Workshop and pointed out that NFPE has always tried to address the problems of SAs in all the Forums. Separate cadre for SAs will also benefit the Department in the process of computerization.

5. Com. Muralidharan, Circle Organizing Secretary, NFPE P-III also felicitated in the function. He suggested that meeting of SAs at all Divisional level should be conducted before Circle Working Committee meeting and the list of points to be sent for discussing in the CWC for effective solutions of circle level issues.

6. Com.V.Mohandas, District Secretary, Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers, Palakkad District also felicitated at the workshop. He reminded that NFPE had presented the problems and needs of SAs before the Government and the 6th CPC, but, 6th CPC had not given any favorable recommendation.

7. Com. R.Senthil Kumar, SA, Chennai City North Division delivered his key note address and shared his experience of interacting with Com. K.Raghavendran, Secy Genl, NFPE in preparing the memoranda for submitting in the 6th CPC. The 6th CPC did not accept any of the demands contained in the memoranda and hence we have to stand united to pursue the same. He exuded confidence in Com. K.Raghavendran in dealing SA matters at appropriate levels, effectively. He felt that NFPE is fit to take up our issues in the right manner. He stressed the importance of maintaining a call report as a relevant record while visiting offices and called for a professional approach to system administration. He also noted that the recent unhealthy practices of sending anonymous emails in the name of IPSA emanated from Kerala circle will only water down the seriousness with which SA matters are being taken up.

8. Com. Sunder , Instructor from Trichy region told in his keynote address that this workshop will definitely change the approach of the dept. towards SAs. It is high time that we should define our work load and time factor for each and every work. In the recent department circular to all PMGs , creation of postmasters cadre is mentioned and for SAs it is just being thought of. But the latter is also equally important .

9. In the after noon session ,the problems faced by SAs from various divisions and their demands have been dealt in detail ( Appendix 2)
10. Com.Senthilkumar expressed his opinion based on the points raised by SAs by various divisions (Appendix 3)
11. Com. K Jayaraj , System administrator Palakkad division expressed vote of thanks .

Appendix 2

1.Ernakulam (Com.Sasikumar)
• Demanded absorption of existing SAs without even a trade test and precondition .
• Test can be introduced for new entrants .
• Service of the present SAs should be considered at the time of cadre restructuring.
• Powers to be given to take executive decision up to an extend Eg. Purchase of RAM
• SAs to report to Div Head only
• Dept. should provide all necessary infrastructure to carry out the work of SAs. Eg licensed software
• All SAs have to submit their TA bills on time
• HP Compaq Systems are not in warranty now
• Release of new version of software are to be intimated well in advance all should be tested properly before live implementation
• SAs to be provided with a laptop or exclusive PC and mobile phones

2. Trivandrum (Com. Padmakumar)
• Demanded for a separate system wing in the dept.
• Kerala circle should become a role model for other circles to follow

3.Kottayam ( Com.Vineeth)
• Multiple supervisors for SAs obfuscate us in carrying out our work.
• All SAs are to function in unison

4.Aluva ( Com.Prasanth)
• System administration as additional responsibility affects the quality of work.
• Shortage of sufficient no. of systems and printers is a problem.

5. Irinjalakuda( Com.Sandeep)
• New selection of candidates as SA to be announced in consultation with all working SAs.
• OT/honorariums to be paid for extra hours devoted for system administration.
• Antivirus supplied by NIC is useless.
• SA to be controlled from RO
• Some assistance to be given to SAs in carry out the physical strenuous work associated with system administration like purchasing battery water and carrying computer peripherals.
• The selection of SA candidates to be done by a committee at circle level before announcing separate recruitment rules for SAs

6. Thrissur (Com. Nandakishore)
• Period of services should be counted at the time of cadre restructuring
• The delay in the process of Purchase and supply of system to be avoided
• Personal harassment by Div. Head should be avoided Citing insignificant reasons, many well trained SAs were sidelined and posted novice in the field this will Derail the computerization process
• Quality of computer stationery to be ensured

7. Palakkad (Com. Prasanth)
• Strict observance of office timings Cannot be done for SAs work profile
• IT meetings at DO,RO,CO levels to be conducted regularly and in the same order for consolidating the problems and demands for the circle
• Separate criteria to be laid down for rotational transfer of SAs
• Non uniformity prevails among Divisions and Regions in dealing SAs
• Maximum work load for one SA post to be defined on the basis of NO. of offices attached , No.of systems to manage and the geographical area to travel
• SAs works to be made exclusive

8. Ottapalam (Com.Sasidharan)
• Experienced SAs Should not be Removed with out his consent
• Proper training to be given for all the new entrants for the post of SAs

9. Manjeri (Com.Ramachandran)
• Attendance register should not be made compulsory for SAs
• System administrator work should not be out sourced for maintaining security and integrity of the systems
• Transfer of SAs should only be to another post of SAs
• Condemned systems should be replaced with new systems in time and all other systems should be covered by AMC or warranty
• All software should be properly tested before it being brought to various offices for implementation
• Effective steps should be taken to prevent distribution of viruses though WAN
• Maintenance of generator set to be delinked from the duties of SAs as it a purely electrical item
• As various method for data transfer from SOs to HOs are followed in different div.,a uniform method to be designed by PTC
• All unserviceable SMS batteries are to replaced in time

10.Tirur (Com.Khalid)
• Seniority in PA cadre is to be considered at the time of cadre restructuring
• Controlling authority of SAs should have the knowledge of technology

11.Calicut (Com.Shinulal)
• Maintenance NIC WAV should be done more perfectly
• Printers should be maintained properly to keep them in good condition

Appendix 3

Com. Senthilkumar
The demand for absorption of all SAs working to the new cadre to be formed by the dept.,with out any trade test or any precondition will be taken up with All India leaders of NFPE.

Draft proposal submitted to NFPE based on the deliberations at the circle level workshop of System Administrators of kerala circle at Palakkad on 08-02-2009

1. Separate cadre for SAs to be formed immediately
2. All existing SAs to be absorbed with out any trade test or precondition
3. Due weight age based on length of Service in PA cadre to be given while absorbing to the new cadre
4. Regarding pay scales of the SA cadre, the demand already raised by the NFPE should be strictly adhered to.
5. Uniform work norms based on number and status of offices attached, No.of systems to handle, and geographical area to cover to be prescribed.
6. Duties and responsibilities of SAs are to be clearly defined.
7. Post of SAs to be identified as a field work and no strict office timings need be imposed.


All SAs are called for unity in demanding the proposals stated above and exuded confidence in NFPE leadership to take the matter with the department appropriately .It is also resolved to stand united in all the agitations organized by the union.

Appendix 1

1. Sasikumar Ernakulam div.
2. S.jayakumar Palakkad Div
3. Prasanth G Palakkad Div.
4. B. Gopakumar Kollam Div
5. S. Biju Kollam Div
6. K.P Premkumar Kasargode
7. Ramachandran P Manjeri div.
8. M Sasidharan Ottapalam Div
9. Sreedharan Kannur Div
10. V .M Mathew Kannur Div
11. P.N Khalid Tirur Div
12. Pradeep T.V Tirur Div
13. C.K Biju Manjeri Div
14. A Muralidharan Tirur Div
15. N Nandakishore Thrissur Div
16. S. Jayachandran Mavelikara Div
17. Anildev Kayamkulam Div
18. Sandeep P .S Irijalakuda Div
19. Manoj K Ottapalam Div
20. G Padmakumar Trvandrum North Div
21. Shreevidhya Palakkad Div.
22. P venugopal Palakkad Div.
23. Parameswaran R S Thrissur Div
24. Prasanth O S Aluva Div
25. Jithin V V Kochi HPo
26. V N L Shenoy Kochi RO
27. P S Sajith Certhala HO
28. Anumodkumar R Alappuzha Div
29. C Anchith Alappuzha Div
30. Shinulal S Calicut Div
31. Vineeth Viswam Kottayam Div
32. Dalias c John SPC Ernakulam Div
33. Sanilkumar Ernakulam Div
34. Jayarajan Palakkad Div

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Welcome Spech Com. G Prasanth (SA Palakkad )

Presidential Address Com. S Jayakumar (System Administrator, Palakkad Dvn.)

INAUGURAL ADDRESS Com. Govindan (Circle President, AIPEU Group C NFPE)

Com. A. Majeed Circle Asst.Secretary, NFPE PIII

Keynote Address Com.S Senthilkumar (System Administrator Park Town HPO, Chennai)

Keynote Address: Com. Sunder (PTC Trichy)

Ernakulam Com. Sasikumar (Co ordinator Central Region)

Trivandrum Com. Padmakumar (Coordinator HQ Region)

Kottayam Com. Vineeth Viswam

Aluva Com. Prasanth

Irijalakuda Com. Sandeep

Thrissur Com. Nandakishore

Palakkad Com. Prasanth

Ottapalakm Com. Sasikumar

Manjeri Com.Ramachandran

Tirur Com. Khalid P.N

Calicut Com. Shinulal

Vote of thanks By Com. K.Jayarajan System Administrator, Palakkad Div.

Photos of Circle workshop

Saturday, February 7, 2009




K.G.Bose Bhavan,
Near HPO, Palakkad 678001
Sunday, 08/02/09 , 10 am

Dear friends,

It is true that, we don’t have time to think about us in the busy schedule as system administrators. Let us not make any delay more as we undergo a crucial testing time in the aftermath of 6th pay commission implementations and the impending changes thereafter.

We shall sit together to have a detailed discussion about our present difficulties and future course of action.

Com.M.Krishnan, All India President, AIPEU Group C, NFPE, will inaugurate the session.

Do attend the meeting ,failing which it would be a lost opportunity to present ourselves.

With warm greetings,

1.M.Velayudhan 1.Padmakumar
Divisional Secretary, PIII, HQ Region.
2.A.Kesavanunni 2. Sasikumar
Divisional Secretary, PIV Central Region
3. V.Murugan 3. S.Jayakumar
Divisional Secreaty ED N.Region.
4. P.Venugopalan
Convenor, IT Sub Committee
Palakkad Dvn.



Welcome Speech : Com.G.PRASANTH
System Administrator, Palakkad Dvn

Presidential Address : Com.S.JAYAKUMAR
System Administrator, Palakkad Dvn

Inaugural Address : Com.M.KRISHNAN,
All India President , AIPEU Group C NFPE

Keynote Address : 1.Com.S.SENTHIL KUMAR,
System Administrator ,Chennai GPO

: 2.Com.SUNDER,
System Administrator ,Trichy HO

Felicitations : 1.Com.K.GOVINDAN,
Circle President , AIPEU Group C NFPE Kerala

Circle Asstt.Secretary, NFPE PIII

Circle Organising Secretary NFPE PIII

District Secretary, Confdn. Of Central Govt.
Employees and Workers, Palakkad.

Discussions on : 1. Cadre Restructuring
2. Outsourcing of System Administrator works
3. Present Problem
4. Future course of action.

Vote of thanks : Com.K.JAYARAJAN.
System Administrator, Palakkad Dvn