Wednesday, April 9, 2008

copy of demands made by System Administrator, West Bengal received from Mr Debjeet Mukhopadhyay, SDC, Kolkota

A separate IT wing must be formed.
Justification :

• As today, the involvement and implementation of IT related matters (i.e. Huge Computerization) in the Department of Posts, India, and the expansion of the same is so huge and the nature of job is highly specialized and it can't be mixed up with the ' Multifarious Functions !!!' performed by the PA Cadre.

• The various IT related specific job requirements are there today in the Department, such as Network Administrators, System Administrators, Database Administrators, System Analyst and Software Developers, Instructors, Certified Information System Auditors (most important).

• The Department has turned to a vast computerized infrastructure and to organize the same, various level of Technocrats would be required to comprise and justify a separate wing with various hierarchical levels, just as exists in the Electrical wing, Civil Wing etc. Unless the decision making and policy making authorities related to IT matters in our department comprises of Technocrats, there the scope of wrong decision and policy making (IT related) would be left resulting misuse and bad use of human resources and materials and loss of public money incurring loss to the department. Employees of every level working in the department also have to suffer for the same and face the consequence. Hence the Demand of IT-Wing should be realized and raised by every Union , Federation , Association etc. existing at every level in the Department.

• For past 13 years the Department is being computerized and the PAs working as System Administrators/System Managers/System Assistants, System Analyst and Software Developers, Instructors have taken the responsibility of giving system supports and to run the computerized infrastructure smoothly. All these people have often to work late night in the various offices and perform hectic tasks and undergo strenuous schedules to keep the IT system of the Department working smoothly.

• The System Administrators doesn’t have an administrative power neither they have status nor they get remuneration compared to the responsibility they bear. Practically the system administrators have to do all system support jobs and also to plan and implement system related policies of the department. The Software developers also have to do system analysis, System and Software Development, respective training and implementations. As they don’t posses any administrative power they are often turned to a dilemma state and face lots of hurdles. Worst cases are those where the System Administrators are not even being spared from the regular operations but are asked to attend to System Administrator duties besides attending to a regular branch.

• Today the PAs working as System Administrators/System Managers/System Assistants, System Analyst and Software Developers, Instructors have upgraded them selves and have acquired skills to perform as system administrators through various trainings, gathering onsite work experiences and some gathering qualifications (like PG Diploma, MCA or equivalent etc.). There are many who have acquired computer degrees at their own cost and using the skills to the department for its prosperity. Today it is time tested that the existing System Administrators/System Managers/System Assistants, System Analyst and Software Developers, Instructors can implement , maintain and fulfill the IT related policies and requirements in the department successfully.

• To give status , power and competitive remuneration and to keep the motivations of the System Administrators/System Managers/System Assistants, System Analyst and Software Developers, Instructors, high and to perform their jobs smoothly they must be put to various cadres in the above proposed IT wing.

1 comment:

SARAJ said...