1. The department is going for large scale technological absorption. The laborious task of bringing the department from the technological infancy by the sweat and blood of the present system administrators is to be duly acknowledged. It is apprehended that the present system administrators will not be getting any advantage in the cadre of system assistant which is going to be created.
2. The NFPE is hitherto vehemently taking our cases at all appropriate levels. The stand is that, the System assistant cadre is to be created with Rs 4200/- grade pay and all the existing System Administrators are to be absorbed to the newly created post at a onetime measure. NFPE has also conveyed through blogs and Bharathiya post, that official side has agreed that this demand would be sympathetically considered. So any watering down in this stand will be not only confusing but suicidal too. We are of the opinion that if any new cadre is to created as our beloved Com.Ragavendra rightly pointed out , that the newly created post should be made attractive both in pay package and exposure.
3. Instead of going for centralized purchase of technology hardware, it is better to be made circle level purchases on need basis. And all the purchases should be made transparent.
4. AMC of all hardwares (Especially server systems) should invariably be given to the same manufacturer, as the spare parts and knowhow are available only with them. Individual server call should be expedited from the office where AMC agreement was signed.
5. The present instruction on uninstalling the data entry modules of Sanchaya post is not practicable during the transition period to core Banking. A peculiar administrative tactics is going on by issuing oral orders to maintain the data entry module in one system and giving written instruction to uninstall all the data entry module to the fix the responsibility in SAs is to be protested.
6. A Program of imparting Knowledge of technological happenings in the department up to the level of divisional leadership is found essential. Technology study camps will be beneficial if conducted at all Circles. Recent study camps conducted in different regions in Kerala is a citing example for this.
7. Alarming new development is being taken place against the System Administrators now.Without any sound reasons the cases of throwing away the present system administrators is to be protested by our Union.
It is our fervent hope that our union will highlight the genuine demands of System Administrators in the days to come.
Thanks to all
(Circle Co ordinator for System administrators)
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