Wednesday, September 9, 2009


friends ,

NFPE is organising a nation wide seminar in the 1st week of november 2009 in delhi. The seminar will be attended by top office bearers of NFPE federal executive. The officers of Tecknology wing of our department are also agreed to attend this seminar including Member (technology) Mr.Samant.

Why this National Seminar ?

1. To arrive a consensus on what is exactly to be negotiated with the department for the System Administrators. So far every individual System Administrators have their own view and leadership are also presenting their views and acceptance level among cadres on each of the views presented could not be studied. So deriving a consensus about our demands which is acceptable to all the System Administrators of the entire country is very essential and need of the hour. To consolidate into a very small NUT-SHELL and focussing that demand alone and fighting for it.

2. To derive a action plan and to set a deadline date to get into some major action, it the department is still dragging the issue.

Getting into some major action plan requires execution of that action plan uniformly through out the nation. This requires some extensive preparation and what ever decision taken should be democratic and acceptable by everyone. Then only executing it will be very easy and uniform.

So dont take this National Seminar very lightly, it is going to be a very significant event in the life of each and every toiling System Administrator through out the country.

So, friends, please start organising and start collecting funds for booking the train ticket / flight ticket to Delhi. Once the date is announced book your tickets to Delhi immediatly. Dont delay start immediatly.

Those who are willing to come to delhi for attending this serminar may please contact Mr. Jayakumar , to his cell 9447312727.

Let us make this seminar a big success in impressing upon our department to take our case in the right manner.

We should ensure that, no division in our circle is left non represented in the seminar.

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