Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Constitution of Technology Planning and Technology Operations divisions:

The Department of Posts has set up two more divisions in the Postal Directorate. One is Technology Planning Division and the other is Technology Operations Division. The Order of the Department says that in the background of a major technology initiative planned in the XI Five Year Plan, there is a need for formulation of technology vision and developing a strategy to keep abreast with the developments in technology and use the innovations for giving customers better services. The plan is to computerize all departmental post offices and half of the EDBOs in rural and it is also assessed that this will require business process reengineering, administrative and operational restructuring to provide enabling requirement for technology induction. There is mention that the Human Resource issues also need to be dealt with. In addition it is envisaged to create a Data Bank on the profile and availability of System Administrators at all levels so as to ensure their upgradation of skills as a part of ongoing training programme. However the NFPE would be shortly writing to Postal Directorate for involving the Staff Side in the matter by providing complete information in this matter and to incorporate staff side viewpoints in the decision-making.

-- K.RagavendranSecretary General NFPE

1 comment:

Harikumar said...

It is proposed to create a Data Bank on the profile and availability of System Administrators at all levels so as to ensure their upgradation of skills as a part of ongoing training programme. Mere creation of Data Bank will not solve our problems. In the wake of formation of Two Technology Wings, we have to fight for formation of Separate Cadre. Two wings at Directorate means additional posts for Top Officers. When will we and our Unions realise this and fight for our cause. Kindly think.