Monday, February 8, 2010


IPSAA is happy to see that NFPE has given a prominent place
(2 & 3) for the long pending justified demands of SAs among
the items in the next JCM meeting.

Whether we are Anonymous or not does not make any difference
in fighting for our demands.

We are happy to note that all these initiatives were triggered
after our utter negative, haunting comments about the vested
Union interests, through our various earlier E mails.

We know the rules and limitations in formation of an SA Union/
Association, as it is not possible because we have sweared to be slaves
of either DOP or Unions.

Actually this is what we really meant and it worked with NFPE.
We are not claiming the credits, but telling the facts.

Unions Leaders should react against injustice and exploitation,
at least when they are targeted, rather than fighting for Foreign Trips !!!!

We are happy to see that our comments have at least worked
as an eye-opener to the NFPE (Class III) leadership.

But what about the NUPE Class III /(NAPE) Union Leaders ?

Who will open their tightly shut (In SAs Demands) Eyes ? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !.

Should we beg before Smt SONIA Geeeee/Sri RAHUL Geeeee.

Think friends, THINK and Act at least NOW

or NEVER !

As mentioned by Sri
Why should our nomenclature be Computer System Assistant ?

Why should we borrow a name from any other Department,
when we have an apt one ?

It should System Managers.

Nothing More – Nothing Less.

We are not simply assisting; we are Managing the entire Systems (Computers)

Regards and Good Luck,

Reply given by Sri.Senthil (National Coordinator)

We dont have any sort of hard feeling on comments you have passed. At the same time dont come to a conclusion that the negative comments you people have posted had only triggered this issue. If we analyse the issue of SAs in a chronological sequence you can understand.

First of all when we raised this demand it was our own fellow employees working as PAs opposed this in the respective unions eventhough the leadership was favouring our demand. First understand that our own employeeThe PAs of both AIPEU and NUPE had a very strong disliking towards our System Managers due to some bitter incidents which happened in their respective work-spot. Crossing this hurdle initially had been a very challenging aspect for us. Only the dedication and our committed work towards our organisation only helped us in cruising the demand across such a stiff opposition.
Secondly many of our SAs have entered into some tough arguments with many Senior Union leaders in many divisions which also added fuel to this disliking. This also was an negative aspect. Hence the NFPE leadership initially taught of getting the SAs some sort of benefit which was immediatly feasible. The demand raised by NFPE (10% Special Pay) also received some Strong Opposition from our own cadres and almost our demand faced a divided house before the leaders on what to exactly demand for the SAs. Hence the big step of organising our SAs was attempted by me personally and them bringing them under one platform to decide on their issue themselves in a democratic manner. Ofcourse that process consumed some months together and finally we succeeded.
Now all the organisational process has been completed now it on the leadership part to take this issue accordingly and do whatever is to be done to get the demand settled.
If you remember the "Creation of Postmaster cadre" which the DOP took a unilateral decision was announced in the DG letter dated 27.1.2009 and now orders have been issued for that which is available in the NFPE blog. DOP in favour of creating a particular cadre itself has taken almost more than year to pass the orders and still the Recruitment Rules have to be finalised by DOPT and still the unions are opposing.
Now imagine our demand suppose if it is agreed in the JCM meeting in the month of March and department starts working on it then it may take almost the same time. If the process has already begun means then it is ok.

The name of System Assistant is not lent from anywhere else it is already in our department. The SAs working in West Bengal are already addressed as System Assistants only. Our leadership has quoted it as an example to justify the grade pay of Rs.4200 for the SAs. Once the pay package is cleared then we can subsequently also sort the nomenclature issue. Now our focus should be on getting the grade pay 4200.
I learnt that you are also the Asst. Circle Secretary of NUPE in Kerala Circle and you are complaining the NUPE is keeping their mouth shut. Anyway for your information NFPE leaders work dedicatedly on Foreign Service staying in Delhi permanently till they are posted as Secretary-General and General Secretary and discharge their duties in the Union office and running now and then to the Directorate to sort out the problems of the employees. For your kind information non of your All India Leaders are avaialble at Delhi on Foreign Service. They are working in their respective offices and are occasional visitors to Delhi to meet the officers in the Directorate. It is a fact I you wish you personally confirm this.
Our course you may describe ourselves are Slaves of DOP but not for Union because it is a democratic organisation and it has enough process for any person willing to work for the cadre can take over the leadership chair. Hence I am not willing to complain on this issue.
Further our leaders stood on principle to boycott the German Tour conducted by department. It was your leaders who went ahead on the German tour. Our leaders only go and participate in International Conferences conducted the betterment of working class as the expense of the Union. Whereas your leaders go ahead with Tours sponsored at the expense of our Department. Understand the difference and do not blindly blame that the leaders are fighting for Foreign Tour.

Last but not the least however we beg to Sonia Gee or Rahul Gee only if our DGeeee and Member Geeeees thinks only it will be implemented. If our DOP Geees are not favourable on an issue however you influence it politically it will not happen. Understand the practical reality. As we all know that the three pillars of democracy are Legislative, Executive and Judiciary. Amoung those three pillars see the Executive (DG and Members) are equally powerful. Indian bureaucrats are having enough powers than any bureaucrats in the rest of world. This is just for your information. Once our file is getting through the DOP only 60% of the work will be over. Regarding the MOF and DOPT clearance once again we have the JCM (steering committee) comprising of the Group of Ministers and the Staffside comprising of the leades of Confederation of Central Government Employees. Confederation of CG Employees once again comprised majority of our NFPE leaders. This is how the process will go.

Hence understand the practical reality and try to come out in taking efforts instead just sending emails in anonymous association name. Anyway thanks for mailing and remembering me.

With regards
